Sorry that it has been a while since my last update and that I have been slacking on the videos. I will be doing one soon to give you guys a better update about everything that's been happening. Here's a brief update about what's new with the Collinsworth family:
We'll be starting to put together Ava's nursery these next couple of weeks. The crib set that we're looking at getting is called the Delta Eclipse set. We saw it at Target today and absolutely fell in love with it! From the set we're looking to buy the crib, dresser and glider. Here's a look -

As for the bedding we are still going back and forth between using a plain one or using one with a pattern. The ones that I posted before are still high on our list though.
As for the wall decor we are still thinking about using some sort of wall decal (most likely the little girl blowing on the dandelion, a big tree, a quote, a monogram of her initials, birds - or possibly a combination of a few). Also considering this butterfly wall art collection that we saw at Target today for above her crib -

They don't look like much in this picture but they stand off of the wall to create a really cool effect. They came in white and silver. Love how it came with such a big bunch of them too to really make it stand out.
Lastly I am also thinking about making a group of silhouette pictures to put above the dresser - one of each of our dogs and one of Dan and I. The process is pretty simple and would turn out something like this -

10 down to 1
Back Squat @ 95#
150 m. sprint Between
LOVED this workout... especially the sprinting part and getting to workout with Dan :) I had really been feeling the urge to just run fast and this helped me get that urge out of my system. I made sure to go at a pace that was safe for Ava and I but still let me get some of my pent up energy out. Squats were fairly easy but I am sore today through my hamstrings!
First Baby Clothes
On Friday was so sweet and took me to one of my all time favorite places to eat... Panera Bread! It is about an hour away from us so we decided to try and take a short cut through Fort Bragg to get there... it was quite the adventure to say the least. For a while we ended up on a dirt road in the middle of no where (at least it felt like it) with no signs. I have to tell you though, it was beautiful out there with all of the trees, green grass and yellow flowers. Eventually we hit a regular road.. much to my relief :) And we made it to Panera safely where we got to eat our sandwiches with creamy tomato basil soup w/ asiago cheese croutons. YUM! After we decided to wander around some of the nearby stores before driving back home and we ended up buying our first outfits for Ava. We got two sets of onesies at Ross for $5 each - thought that was a great deal since each set came with at least 3 onesies! The sets we got were mainly light pink and brown. Very excited to have bought our first official item for Ava :)
That's all I have for now but will have my video update for you all soon... have a great rest of your week!