The weather here today is BEAUTIFUL... this is my favorite time of the year and I'm so glad it's here :) Bring on all yummy things that are pumpkin! Dan and I started the season of right last night with a trip to Krispy Kreme and of course I got one of their Pumpkin Spice doughnuts :) So good! I felt like a kid again I was so excited. It was fun to get to watch them make the doughnuts too... can't wait to take Ava there when she's older as a special treat.

As for my workout today... I could not wait to put my running shoes on and get outside to enjoy some of this sunshine and crisp air. Here's what my workout was :
200 m. Run
20 Lunges (per leg)
200 m. Run
20 KTE
200 m. Run
20 Push Ups
200 m. Run
Great workout! Some of the movements are starting to feel a little funny hehe I don't know how else to describe it. The two that felt the strangest today were push ups and after I finished running. During push ups my stomach becomes really pointy in the middle and I just get a weird feeling. No pain or anything... just weird. Thinking I might change to modified push ups sometime in the near future but we will see. I felt great while I was running but right after I was done my lower abdomen just felt a little tight but it went away very quickly. Just some observations but nothing I'm worried about... just signs of how much my body is changing and how much Ava is growing... which are all good things :)
Alright, time for a snack! Hope you all are having a great day!
p.s. I would just like to say how sweet my husband is and how happy and thankful I am to be married to him. Yesterday he brightened my day up by loading and putting away the dishes for me and on top of that took me out for dessert. He always knows how to brighten my day and makes everyday special :) Just wanted to share!
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