Just wanted to do a quick post on some of the things we've received and bought for Ava recently...
This is a dress that I bought for Ava yesterday while shopping at Sam's... it was so cute and such a great price I couldn't pass it up :) Can't wait to see her in this one!

This is a heavy weight sleeper that I also bought from Sam's Club... once again it was too cute to pass up and a good price too!

Here's our glider that we received as an early baby shower gift from Aunt Pooh (it's her nickname :) ) and Uncle Ed. This glider is amazing and Ava and I have already been enjoying it! Not to mention it matches the crib and the dresser perfectly.

This is a surprise gift that we received from Ava's Aunt Sam and her Uncle Mike... so cute!

This is a learning toy that Ava got as a gift from Uncle David and her Grandma. This stuffed dog is really neat and our niece Lily LOVES hers. It is programmable to use Ava's name, her favorite color and food, etc. Also plays sleepy time music :)
Thanks to everyone for all of the thoughtful gifts!!

Last but not least here is Ava's itty bitty closet that I have started to organize... it may not look like much but I'm really happy with how it's coming along. I think even with such a small closet we should have room for everything! The hanging organizer I'm planning on using for blankets, burp cloths, towels, etc. The drawers I will probably use for accessories, sheets and things like that. Above the hanging organizer there's a basket for toys and things like that. Things in her room are coming along really well!
This is a heavy weight sleeper that I also bought from Sam's Club... once again it was too cute to pass up and a good price too!
Here's our glider that we received as an early baby shower gift from Aunt Pooh (it's her nickname :) ) and Uncle Ed. This glider is amazing and Ava and I have already been enjoying it! Not to mention it matches the crib and the dresser perfectly.
This is a surprise gift that we received from Ava's Aunt Sam and her Uncle Mike... so cute!
This is a learning toy that Ava got as a gift from Uncle David and her Grandma. This stuffed dog is really neat and our niece Lily LOVES hers. It is programmable to use Ava's name, her favorite color and food, etc. Also plays sleepy time music :)
Thanks to everyone for all of the thoughtful gifts!!
Last but not least here is Ava's itty bitty closet that I have started to organize... it may not look like much but I'm really happy with how it's coming along. I think even with such a small closet we should have room for everything! The hanging organizer I'm planning on using for blankets, burp cloths, towels, etc. The drawers I will probably use for accessories, sheets and things like that. Above the hanging organizer there's a basket for toys and things like that. Things in her room are coming along really well!
Hope you all are having a good weekend! I've had a great one so far... had CrossFit Kids this morning which went really really well, did some cleaning around the house (including cleaning out the fridge... which I really don't enjoy but I am so happy that I did it), pastry tasting and dinner with Sam and Mike. After I'm done with this post I think I'll go do some reading and then hit the hay... I am pooped! Overall I am still feeling great though. The only symptoms to speak of are achy pelvic muscles after exercise and when I lay down, practice surges (Hypnobirthing term for contractions) and that's about it. Ava moves a lot every night from about 9 PM - 11 PM. If you look at my stomach it appears to be moving in a wave like motion :) I love it! Have a goodnight and I'll talk to everyone soon.
<3 Love,
Ash (and Ava too!)
<3 Love,
Ash (and Ava too!)
I love the dress... and a friend got me a cup like that for my chloe. i adore it!
have you had your baby shower yet? if not, just wait. that closet will be full in no time. i literally have 25 bibs, 20 receiving blankets, 8 large fluffy blankets, 6 crib sheets, and an entire closet and huge drawer FULL of clothes. most of those were given to me used but you know.
anyway don't know if you remember me but i met ya on babycenter. been following along with your blog - we are the same week. 34 weeks tuesday for me! :)
Yep I'm looking forward to our baby shower... it's going to be next weekend :)Yep I definitely remember meeting you on baby center... been following your blog too - nice to know someone that is due so close to me and being able to see how you're doing. Yay for week 34!
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