Today is the beginning of Week 28 and you know what that means... only 12 weeks to go!! I am getting to so excited for Ava to be here and so is Dan. If I am this excited now I can't imagine how excited and ready I will be for her to get here when the time actually comes. Here is a growth chart that I found online this morning that I thought was very interesting and really shows how much we'll both be growing these last 12 weeks :
Very medical looking - I know but I just couldn't get over how much growth will occur just in the last little bit of the pregnancy and how much she'll change even between now and week 32! Today I'll be scheduling our next 3D/4D ultrasound which we're going to do (hopefully) on December 30th which is Dan's birthday :) I can hardly wait to get to see her sweet little face again.

With the package that we're going with this time we'll get a DVD of the entire ultrasound that we'll be able to watch at home - very excited about this since it's hard to remember the little details the further away you get from when you had the ultrasound. I'm so glad I have these pictures on our computer from the first one.
In other news : Congrats to my husband Dan!!! He just found out last night that he got selected for civil affairs and will be switching over to one of those units very soon. He's been waiting to hear back from them for quite a while now and it was such a relief to finally know either way whether he was chosen or not - and of course we're veryyyy excited that it was a YES you are chosen :) And he ended up getting home from the field last night instead of today which I was VERY excited about... when I saw him pull into the drive way I was at the front door jumping up and down like a little girl hehe then I proceeded to try and run up and jump on him like I used to before I was pregnant but quickly realized that wasn't going to work :) Ahh once again I'm sure we were quite the sight.
Hope you all have a great Friday - Ava and I are off to go do some yoga!

With the package that we're going with this time we'll get a DVD of the entire ultrasound that we'll be able to watch at home - very excited about this since it's hard to remember the little details the further away you get from when you had the ultrasound. I'm so glad I have these pictures on our computer from the first one.
In other news : Congrats to my husband Dan!!! He just found out last night that he got selected for civil affairs and will be switching over to one of those units very soon. He's been waiting to hear back from them for quite a while now and it was such a relief to finally know either way whether he was chosen or not - and of course we're veryyyy excited that it was a YES you are chosen :) And he ended up getting home from the field last night instead of today which I was VERY excited about... when I saw him pull into the drive way I was at the front door jumping up and down like a little girl hehe then I proceeded to try and run up and jump on him like I used to before I was pregnant but quickly realized that wasn't going to work :) Ahh once again I'm sure we were quite the sight.
Hope you all have a great Friday - Ava and I are off to go do some yoga!
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