Thought I would do just a quick overview of what has been going on lately during week 24 and 25. I have been feeling a little under the weather for about a week now... I just have a cough with some congestion but that is the only symptom. I have no idea what it is but it's almost gone, yay!! Besides that I have been feeling GREAT! I have been doing my workouts as usual (just have been forgetting to post them :( oops) and have also started doing yoga with my friend Clare at the Breathing Space here in Fayetteville and I LOVE it! It goes hand in hand with the things I am doing through HypnoBirthing to prepare for labor and have really seen a huge difference in my stress level and my ability to relax since I've started these two things which is great... if you know me really well you know I tend to me a very anxious person at times :/ but I'm working on it! My muscles have really started to loosen up too thanks to the yoga, which is great because I am always extremely tight through my hips and upper back/shoulders. So if you're pregnant I really really recommend yoga. As for HypnoBirthing Dan and I completed our final class this past Saturday and I have to say I am going to miss the classes... our instructor is awesome and it was nice to have a specific time dedicated solely to preparing for Ava's arrival. But I am going to continue doing my daily relaxation, affirmations and breathing to continue to prepare. The weekend was great - full of relaxation, workouts, a pre-thanksgiving dinner, movies and seeing an old friend. Great weekend spent with my favorite guy! This week I'm just spending getting ready for Thanksgiving, our trip up to Maryland to see my family (YAY!) and my mama's birthday :) I've decided for Thanksgiving to make my usual Pumpkin Pie Cookie Bars...

... along with a Pumpkin Chocolate Tart - both courtesy of Martha Stewart.

I am so excited to see my family! Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday and especially when I am able to spend it with my my family and Dan :) My mom makes the BEST Thanksgiving dinner EVER - that's right I said it! And I just love spending time with the people I love the most (will be missing the rest of my family of course that's on the west coast along with Dan's family). We're leaving to head up there on Wednesday evening - we'll throw the kennels in the back of the truck and we're out of here. We used to drive up there with the pups in the back of the car but they have just gotten wayyy too big and slobbery for that anymore. Not to mention that poor Marley gets car sick everytime we drive for more than 10 minutes :( And that makes for quite a rough trip with the car smelling like throw up and all. So we're going to try it this way and see how it goes this year.
As for workouts I have been doing about 3 days or so of CrossFit consistently every week along with some running. Here are my workouts from the weekend -
Yoga with Clare
400 m. Run
20 x Back Squats (65#)
3 Rounds
Loved this workout that Dan made up for me, especially the run. Felt great!
2 1/2 Mile run with Dan - Wanted to prepare somewhat for the 5 mile Turkey Trot we do every year with my family on Thanksgiving morning... I think I should be good to run that far but I guess we'll have to see how Ava and I feel that morning. Excited to still be running though :)
As for workouts I have been doing about 3 days or so of CrossFit consistently every week along with some running. Here are my workouts from the weekend -
Yoga with Clare
400 m. Run
20 x Back Squats (65#)
3 Rounds
Loved this workout that Dan made up for me, especially the run. Felt great!
2 1/2 Mile run with Dan - Wanted to prepare somewhat for the 5 mile Turkey Trot we do every year with my family on Thanksgiving morning... I think I should be good to run that far but I guess we'll have to see how Ava and I feel that morning. Excited to still be running though :)
Last but not least here is a picture I took this morning for week 25

Ava is growing so fast - she is the size of an eggplant now :) We only have about 3 different melon sizes to go until she's at the size she'll be at birth! I feel her consistently throughout the day now but still the strongest kicks are in the morning at 10 or so and before I go to sleep. She's a bus girl that's for sure!
Ava is growing so fast - she is the size of an eggplant now :) We only have about 3 different melon sizes to go until she's at the size she'll be at birth! I feel her consistently throughout the day now but still the strongest kicks are in the morning at 10 or so and before I go to sleep. She's a bus girl that's for sure!
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving if I don't get to post again before our trip... I hope it's a great day for all of you filled with people you love, yummy food and lots of tasty pumpkin desserts!!