Sorry it's been so long since my last post... things have been busy but fun around here :) I can't believe how the time has flown by. It flew so fast that I missed doing a 2 month post for Ava and now it's almost time for her 3 month one - so I decided to combine the two in this post! Here is one of the most recent pictures of our Ava bean (this was taken on her very first trip outside of Fayetteville which also happened to be her very first trip to the beach!) ...
I love this picture of these two!
Exciting things that happened in Ava's 2nd Month:
Hope you all are having a great Monday and I promise I will try and post again soon!
- She rolled over for the very first time just a few days ago on May 19th!! She has done it 2 more times since then!
- She has started to reach and grab for things that are near her. (She's been doing this with her play mat for a while but now she's starting to grab for the toys hanging from her car seat and while we were eating lunch yesterday she actually was grabbing onto the edge of her carseat and pushing it so that it rocked back and forth - so much fun to watch!)
- She has started to focus her eyes on things that are close to her that she finds interesting such as pillows, patterned fabric, toys, etc.
- Out of the blue one day she started "talking"... well no words yet but lots of squeals and ohhhs and ahhs.
- She loves whistling... the louder the better!
- She is still sleeping through the night from 10:30 PM or so till somewhere between 7 and 9 am (she's still asleep as I'm writing this entry!) she amazes me every night that she does this!
- She got to meet her Aunt Meg for the first time and had so much fun with her
- She went to the beach for the very first time and LOVED it! The things she seemed to enjoy the most were the wind down by the water (it would take her breath away and make her giggle :) ) and the sound of the ocean (this put her to sleep many a time).
- She has enjoyed a couple of rides in her jogging stroller that her Grandma and Grandpa bought for us... Dan and I like to do laps in front of our house with her in it!
- She noticed the moon for the first time the other night when we were cheering her Dad on during his workout.
- She loves the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and it calms her down in a heart beat most of the time if she is upset... especially on that car ride from here to the beach.
- She does not nap as much as she used to but that's no big deal considering how much she sleeps at night and it's actually exciting because it gives us more play time together.
- After she is done eating she is ready to be "Miss Independent" as we like to call her :) She enjoys either being held in front of us so that she can look all around her, put down on the floor to play with her play mat or to look at the fan, or put onto one of our chests so that she can practice her crawling.
- She LOVES LOVES LOVES to look at fans! We were at Jason's Deli the other day with some friends and the entire ceiling was covered with fans and I am pretty sure she was in paradise hehe the look on her face was priceless!
- She also got to meet some friend from DIF & CFCF - Ann and Stacy (good luck to Stacy at the CFit Regionals this next weekend, you've got this!!)
- She watched her first movie (we dont' watch a lot of TV so this was very exciting for her!). We watched Avatar and she loved it. She sat on my lap most of the time and was jumping up and down with excitement!
- She is growing and changing so much everyday I can't believe it!
Hope you all are having a great Monday and I promise I will try and post again soon!